Refractive Error 

When you get your annual eye exam, it's important to get a test for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can greatly affect your vision. If you are diagnosed with it, there are measures that can be taken to slow its progression or even to halt it. At VisionSmith in Plymouth, MN, our optometrist performs several tests to look for glaucoma. We will provide management options for the condition to ensure that your vision stays at its best.

Multiple Tests for Glaucoma

When our optometrist does your comprehensive exam, there are multiple tests that can be used to detect glaucoma. One of the most common of these is the tonometry test to measure the eye pressure inside your eye. There are also various forms of ophthalmoscopy to look at the optic nerve and see what its color and shape are like. Our eye doctor can also use pachymetry testing to find out how thick your cornea is. Once you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, you may need an additional test called gonioscopy to find out whether you have closed-angle or open-angle glaucoma.

What Is Glaucoma?

The fluid that is inside the eye naturally drains at certain points, and this keeps the pressure inside the eye at a healthy level. However, when that drainage system no longer functions normally, the fluid will build up inside the eye. That extra pressure can then put pressure on the optic nerve and damage it. Once this becomes damaged, you will lose some vision. As a progressive disease, glaucoma often gets worse as time goes on. There are treatments that can work to stop the progression for some patients, but there is no way to get back the vision that has already been lost.

Visit Our Optometrist in Plymouth, MN for Vision Testing 

It is vital to get glaucoma testing with your eye exam. At VisionSmith in Plymouth, MN, our optometrist can diagnose your eyes as well as provide treatment. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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